
The 10 most creative skills of jujutsu kaisen characters


Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular anime today, and for good reason. The story follows Yuji Itadori, a student who gets involved in the world of wizards and curses, and who needs to swallow the cursed finger of Sukuna, the king of curses. By doing so, he becomes Sukuna’s host, and gains access to part of his power.

But Yuji isn’t the only character who has impressive abilities. Jujutsu Kaisen features a cast of charismatic and powerful characters, each with their own jujutsu technique. In this post, we will list the 10 most creative abilities of Jujutsu Kaisen characters, and explain how they work. Let’s go?

The 10 most creative skills

The 10 most creative abilities of Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Fumihiko Takaba

Tom Santos

Antes de tudo, permita-me apresentar-me: sou Tom Santos, um blogueiro simples que encontra alegria em manter-se constantemente atualizado sobre o cenário informativo.

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